What are Cellular Automata?

Infinite grid of cells
Cells are either alive or dead
Cells update based on surrounding cells
John Conway's Game of Life

Live cells with <2 neighbors die from exposure
Live cells with >3 neighbors die from overpopulation
Live cells with 2-3 neighbors survive.
Dead cells with 3 neighbors come to life (are "born")

A random grid evolves over time

Some patterns have structure
This is a "Glider" and it will move diagonally forever

A pattern that moves in one direction, returning to the same shape after a number of steps, but in a new place
Some ships are faster or slower than others
LWSS, MWSS, HWSS, Copperhead, Weekender, Clogged Blinker Puffer
Source: LifeWiki

A pattern that repeats itself after a number of steps (its "period")
In reading order: p15, p14, p3, p32, p3, p8, p2, p8, p8
Source: LifeWiki

Website that catalogs 3000+ unique patterns and structures
150+ unique spaceships
600+ unique oscillators
A Computer in the Game of Life

Over 1.5 years, a team built an entire computer out of cells in GoL
3M×10M cells in size
Contains PC hardware and a programming language
Meta-Game of Life